19 August 2019
Welcome to the 2019 edition of Romania’s Energy Industry Report, an in-depths analysis of one of Europe’s most exciting energy ecosystems. Romania is the country with the lowest dependency on energy imports in Southeast Europe and prides itself with an impressive history as the very first nation in the world to explore and produce oil & gas. The country is gearing up for what is an inevitable energy transition in the wake of climate concerns – upping its game in renewable energy resources, with immense potential for hydro, solar as well as wind and already boasting the largest onshore wind farm in Europe. Fulfilling this immense potential, however, depends on tackling a few critical issues: unpredictable legislation, an ageing infrastructure and a shrinking talent pool. This report is the result of six months of on-the-ground research, and over 90 interviews with public authorities, c-level executives, analysts and industry experts, coupled with key figures that amount to one conclusion: Romania is ripe with opportunity.