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Interview | Robert Zasina, President, Polish Power Transmission and Distribution Association (PTPiREE)

Interview | Robert Zasina, President, Polish Power Transmission and Distribution Association (PTPiREE)

10 December 2019

The Polish Power Transmission and Distribution Association (PTPiREE) actively supports companies that belong to the organisation, by maintaining ongoing contacts with the government, the Energy Regulatory Office and many national and international organisations and institutions. Its members include some of the largest companies in the Polish energy sector such as PGE Dystrybucja, Enea, Energa, Tauron Dystrybucja, PSE, PKP Energetyka and Innogy. 


PTPiREE provides a common voice for leaders of the distribution and transmission sector in Poland. What are the most pressing issues on the organization’s agenda presently?

Today, our priority is to set the Polish energy policy plan and to implement its assumptions. We are cooperating with the President of the Energy Regulatory Office on the evaluation of the model's quality and efficiency regulations. We monitor and give opinions on changes in the law and regulatory solutions related to operator activity both in Poland and in the European Union. 

We are particularly interested in issues related to network infrastructure and energy transmission and distribution, as well as system and connectivity management, improving SAIDI and SAIFI indicators, development of RES and prosumer segment. It is closely related to the new role of DSO’s according to EU regulations, especially the Clean energy for all Europeans package. The changes should bring considerable benefits from a consumer, environmental and economic perspective.

Aside from decarbonization, the power sector is also in the midst of a digital transition - deployment of smart meters is for instance a concern in many European countries. How far has Poland come in this digitalization effort? 

Smart metering installed on customers' premises and in the grid allows real-time monitoring of energy consumption, and customers receive numerous innovative tools that make their lives more convenient. PTPiREE actively supports the development of smart grids, we are the initiator of many conferences, industry events and professional publications. 

As the share of renewable energy is increasing the system is becoming more decentralized. There is also added load on the grid by electric vehicles. Is the power infrastructure in Poland ready to take on these new sources? Are there any major investments planned to accommodate this change?

The energy model is changing. Thanks to the development of renewable energy sources it becomes more dispersed. Adaptation of grid infrastructure to new needs is associated with large investment outlays. For years, Polish power industry has been investing. Last year for instance it was over PLN 8 billion invested by Polish power transmission and distribution companies. The changes cause the needs for large grid investments and search for sources of their financing. We develop and modernise grid to connect RES, prosumers and charging points.

Distribution system operators are responsible for the development of electromobility and for the construction of public charging points and planning how to connect these points to the modernised power grid.

Are there any limitations imposed by the Polish government when it comes to investments proposed by DSOs? 

Investment expenditure is agreed with the Energy Regulatory Authority — an independent institution which balances the interests of energy companies and customers. Energy companies spend money on grid restoration and engage in innovative projects. 

TSO and DSOs actively participate in initiatives related to electromobility, energy storage, development of the prosumer market and renewable energy sources. The power industry understands the needs of the economy and tries to answer them. Owing to good cooperation with local governments at various levels and investors, new power lines and infrastructure are built. This helps to increase economic growth of regions and whole country. 

Energy infrastructure is dispersed through the country. The network is located in areas with many owners including local authorities. That means it often requires to hold negotiations with many subjects. Therefore, PTPiREE is the initiator of proposals of many regulations which help to accelerate and simplify the process of investing in Poland.