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Poland's Energy Sector Leaps into 2020 Head First

The last month of 2019 saw three key milestones:

  • The European Commission set forth The European Green Deal  with the ambition to become the first carbon neutral continent by 2050. Nevetheless, Poland opted out of the deal - for now - while agreeing to put the discussion back on the table in June 2020. It has a strong incentive for doing so, as it stands to receive a fat chunck of the Just Transition Fund worth EUR 100 B in order to help member states transition as smoothly as possible, with minimal social unrest. Everyone recognizes that Poland has a harder mission ahead of itself than any other countries,  and that moving away from traditional fossil fuels cannot happen without properly assessing the repercussions on all fronts.


  • Poland held a marathon 12 RES auctions, amounting to 3.1 GW of new capacities, vastly dominated by onshore wind but with a dynamic growth from photovoltaics. An additional 4.8 GW are planned for the coming years, with 1.6 GW reserved for 2020.


  • December 2019 also witnessed the 4th capacity market auction held by Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE), last of its kind that allowed coal-fired facilities to participate. Preliminary results amounted to capacity agrementts of 8671.154 MW at PLN 259.87 per kW/year ( aprox. EUR 61), with the following allocation:

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